Every professional educator coaching programme we offer is designed around your needs, from where and how often we meet to what we cover.
During the first meeting we define your personal plan and process. We’ll identify your achievements and challenges, and determine which key areas you wish to address.
Based on this discussion your EnRich coach will create a coaching agreement, which we’ll discuss during our second meeting. This agreement will define your coaching programme in terms of your priorities, bringing your vision into focus. The goals we set together could range from improving your time management skills or managing your workload to dealing with difficult staffing issues, overcoming challenging classroom situations, exploring transferable skills, or developing a plan and strategies for your professional and personal growth.
Specific, measurable targets
Having determined where you are and where you wish to be, we’ll break your coaching journey down into manageable segments. With a brighter vision for your future and a clear path forward, your feelings of anxiety and overwhelm will lift. You’ll know that your goals are achievable, and that you can trust your coach to cheer you on and keep you on track.
Stage by stage, we’ll evaluate, celebrate and adapt. At each coaching session we’ll review your progress, celebrate your achievements, and explore solutions to problems encountered. We’ll end each session by agreeing on action points to carry you through to the next session. These action points, all led by you, will be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Progress through mutual discovery
Throughout the process our goal will be to empower you. With our years of experience, both in the classroom and supervising educators, EnRich coaches are uniquely equipped to understand the challenges you face and help you define realistic, meaningful goals – but they will always be your goals, directed by your personal vision for your future, and defined by your particular circumstances.
To ensure the success of this process, coach and coachee will adhere to a set of shared values.
Honesty: we will speak the truth with kindness and sensitivity, but without evasiveness or pandering
Confidentiality: we will seek permission before sharing personal information with others
Punctuality: we will be prompt in attending all appointments
Preparedness: we will work consistently toward agreed goals and prepare for coaching sessions in time to ensure the process keeps moving forward
Most coachees need only six one-hour monthly sessions to be set well on the path to achieving their vision.
Services to meet a full spectrum of needs
Our offering includes:
- Individual coaching for one or two participants – helpful to anyone from managers, head teachers and business owners to first-year teachers and apprentices
- Group sessions to equip managers and supervisors to achieve optimal staff performance
- Educational settings offered on a retainer basis and geared for five sessions per month, which can be used by up to five individual staff members