Life is transition – we change from one state of being to the next.  

Transition may involve acquiring knowledge, discovering a new passion. It may be physical – a move to a new place, or a job change. We may cause change through our choices, or it may be forced upon us – or we may find ourselves trapped in a situation with no clear prospect of change.

 However it happens, change can be uncomfortable or exhilarating, and being stuck can be stifling.

Coaching involves choosing to make transitions
that lead to desired change

EnRich Coaching for Educators puts you back in control.

You will gain a fresh perspective on your life, and begin to plot out your own future.

You will define your own concept of success, develop coping skills for your current situation, identify practical, achievable goals, and formulate strategies to equip you to move forward.

Through this process you will embark on transition with your eyes open, progressing at a pace that meets your individual needs.

You will change. You will grow.
And you will succeed.

Just a few sessions of coaching can kick-start a plan or help you achieve a goal. Within a mere six sessions, working in partnership with your coach to unlock your potential, you will embark on consistent, lasting growth – and if you need more sessions to fine-tune your progress, that will be available as and when needed. 

EnRich offers bespoke coaching according to your need. Programmes are designed to: