Hello dear reader! My name is Pam Willemse and I am an Educator, Trainer and Internal Quality Assurer. It is my passion to pass on knowledge and understanding to educators, especially within the Early Years sector, supporting them as they grow both as individuals and professionally.

Sir Francis Bacon said: “Knowledge itself is power.” I believe that’s only partly true. Knowledge used to influence, guide and change is power – and that’s where coaching makes a difference! Coaching draws out inner knowledge and empowers people to influence those around them.

My journey as an educator began more than 30 years ago in sunny South Africa. From the age of 16 I spent school holidays working with children, nurturing a love for education. Over time, the path of my life led me to study and work in a variety of roles on three continents.

My primary focus was Early Years, but as needs and opportunities arose I extended my reach into broader fields of expertise. I have served as nursery educator, teaching assistant in both primary and secondary schools, childminder, manager, GCSE childcare teacher, further education teacher, internal quality assurer and curriculum lead. At the same time, believing that one cannot give what one doesn’t have, I have maintained my commitment to my own continued professional development and study.

I arrived in the UK in 1996, and since then my career has expanded and shifted to embrace coaching. Roles such as manager and education coach led me to learn strategies for effectively coaching. During the course of this journey I attended a short course on the practical aspects of coaching, facilitated by Ruth Lewis. One of the most important lessons Ruth taught me was that you learn more, and can also influence people more effectively, by asking questions than by making statements. It is a delight and a privilege now to be able to work closely with Ruth, Pam and the other members of EnRich For Educators, where personal and professional growth is simply one of the perks of the job!

People are as nature: they may be bold and hardy, flourishing easily, or fragile and in need of a nurturing  environment in order to grow. Coaching provides tools that equip us to understand, support and encourage the people we lead, equipping them in turn to grow both personally and professionally.

Catching nature’s beauty in the golden hours of the day heals my soul. The stimulation of new adventures in places of beauty refreshes my spirit. As I experience the natural world, I connect with my Creator and gain a clear, transformative perspective on my life.