Personal life coaching will equip you to face challenges at a pace you can handle, setting you free to focus actively on yourself, so that you can make constructive changes that enhance your emotional, physical and intellectual wellbeing.

If your professional life is under control and you’re managing work-related challenges well, but your personal life is chaotic, unhappy or lacking in a sense of purpose, eventually your personal challenges will affect your general wellbeing and will impact your career.

Through personal life coaching you will acquire tools that enable you to accomplish the important without becoming overwhelmed by the urgent. It will set you free to focus actively on the changes you want to make in yourself.

You will build on who you are to become who you want to be

During our first session we’ll develop an overview of your current challenges and achievements. We’ll determine where your life as it is falls short of where you want it to be, and we’ll identify the changes that are most important to you.

During our second session we’ll focus on  your personal challenges and goals. What you seek to accomplish will be up to you; you may wish to grow in a particular area, or build your confidence and self-esteem. You may need strategies for coping with complex family dynamics, or for overcoming burnout, coping with day-to-day responsibilities, and renewing your joy in life.

Once we have defined your most urgent challenges and your overarching goal, we’ll break the task of transforming your life into manageable parts. We’ll set achievable goals and will build strategies, custom-designed to suit your needs, that will equip you for steady, incremental successes.

We will work together to empower you

Coaching is a process of mutual discovery. Your coach won’t define your goals or tell you how to achieve them. Your personal vision for your future, defined by both your circumstances and your definitions of happiness and success, will direct your goals.

Throughout the process we’ll evaluate, celebrate and adapt. We’ll begin each session by reviewing of your progress, celebrating your achievements and exploring solutions to problems. By the end of each session we’ll agree on action points for you to focus on until the next session. These action points will be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

For coaching to succeed, coach and coachee will adhere to a set of shared values:
Honesty: we will speak the truth with kindness and sensitivity, but without evasiveness or pandering
Confidentiality: we will seek permission before sharing personal information with others
Punctuality: we will be prompt in attending all appointments
Preparedness: we will we will work consistently toward agreed goals and prepare for coaching sessions in time to ensure the process keeps moving forward

There is a clearly-defined endpoint

Unlike psychological counselling, coaching is intended to be a short-term process with a clearly defined end-point. Most coachees need only six sessions to be well established on the path to achieving their vision. By then most have succeeded in establishing new, more constructive habits – of both behaviours and ways of thinking – that set them up for lasting growth and success. Usually sessions last 60 minutes and take place monthly, but they may be closer together if that’s what you need. We will meet at a venue that suits you – your home, some other location like a coffee shop or office, or through a virtual medium like Zoom or Skype.